Friday 24 September 2010

Support from surprising quarters

So I've had an interesting week. Been to London, been to college (in London - reward module of PM&D, gawd bless the CIPD), interviewed in London and been to the #recnet event which led to me meeting some wonderful 'tweeps' for the first time - something I was really anxious about actually but ended up really enjoying!
As many of the 'tweeps' know I had a complete nightmare yesterday.  My recruitment officer had buggered up the interview timetable so I had to interview til about 6.30 in central London. We then had to review the candidates - having seen 7 at 50 minute intervals with no review time in between.  Naturally we did this in the pub because....erm I could say because the building was closing but the truth is I needed a vino and my colleague needed a 'larger'.
So we evaluated the candidates and realised that we had to second interview which was a bummer, but at least there were 3 appointable candidates, always a bonus and fairly unusual.  So we drained our glasses and went our own ways home.
Arriving at the train station I noticed that all the trains were showing delays...and then the dreaded announcement: 'due to signal failure all departures are suspended until further notice'. At 8.45pm in London during London Fashion Week (i.e. no hotels) this is not what you need to hear.
Cutting a potentially longer story short (including someone's stolen purse, a tearful girl who'd had an interview and me giving her money for a burger) I managed to catch the last train from the station to somewhere near where my Dad lives - luckily catching him at home on his only night in the country this month.  So I relaxed knowing I'd be there at 10. Only then there was a bomb scare at a station en route and we were delayed; by this time gone 10pm, I'd had no dinner, my phone battery was dying, I was beyond tired and yes, I'll admit it, I had a snivelly pathetic cry on the train. I'm not a cryer so this was fairly bad.
So what's my point? My point is this. I was greatly cheered on this journey.  By charming lovely people from Twitter - some I'd met the evening before and some I'd never met before.  Some offered messages of support 'let me know if you have to go back to London and I'll do what I can to help' for example (not an exact quote in case that particular pedant responds!), some made witty banter to distract and amuse, some just sent good wishes for a safe journey.  It was too late really to phone my friends on a' school night' whilst I was in this state, so I'd just been offloading to the 'Universe' on twitter - and by goodness was I supported.
Some people look down their noses at social networking and see it as pretentious, sad, for the lonely etc... I'm not lonely. I have wonderful friends, a wonderful fiance and a wonderful family.  What I have now, hopefully, is the start of several new wonderful friendships.
Damn you guys are awesome :-)

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